A short story of a shell's life which will fill you with fascination.....♥
Start to read to fall in love indeed.
Start to read to fall in love indeed.
A Sea Shell I remember
Without a Pearl in its Chamber,
A tiny little one it was,
With weeps in its core.
Lying near the corals without any morals,
There lived a shell waiting for its pearl’s arrival.
A useless thing it became,
for every diver who came.
No one could expect,
No one could gain,
From that empty soul under an ugly spell.
It came with a melancholy strain,
And was about to die as a blue stone in vain.
But who knew it had been blessed,
with God's grace on his head.
with God's grace on his head.
There came a pearl with a great thrill,
It gave the shell a glare with an arrogant flare,
And made its world,
A better place to live in.
But who knew this smile didn't take birth,
A violent storm came,
Which in apace took everything away.
Its life turned scowl in that watery wraith.
No tarry was made in that dreary wave,
leaving the Shell without its bonny bride
in deep pain.
in deep pain.
-Nistha Goel
Appreciable connectivity 👌👌keep up the good work